Monday, July 20, 2009

Powerpoint the killer application

Powerpoint, with such a wide such usage (and so many boring presentations made anywhere and everywhere) is certainly a killer application.

Whenever I have had an opportunity to present, I follow several simple strategies to save those who are sitting in front of me:

- I always KISS to get up close and personal with the person/group I am trying to communicate (no pun intended!).

- The triple seven strategy. 7 words per line; 7 lines per slide; 7 slides per presentation. Have tried this a few times in my presentation and have found it interesting as I tried ten cut down on those unwanted words to make my slides shorter and sharper. But never really made it as a protocol of my presentation, whenever I feel that the rule does not fit the objective of my presentation I just bypass it.

- Final main strategy (especially for long presentations) is to switch off the lights to save embarrassment of both parties.

"There are atleast million power point presentations are being made right now and atleast 50% are unbearable", Alexei Kapterev aptly says in his below presentation "Death by Powerpoint".


mylovenme said...

Hello sundar can i know the meaining for the first point plz :)

Sundar :) said...

Hello mylovenme :)

I believe you are asking about the renowned KISS strategy.

It is generally said as "Keep It Short and Simple" though there are other versions like "Keep It Simple Stupid" etc.,

Thanks for dropping by.

lakshmi said...

The triple seven strategy is gud da.. :)


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