Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fighting a losing battle

"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill
Everybody fight to win. If you know you (or your team) are going to win then it is very easy to get the energy; enthusiasm and motivation to fight.

But what if you knew you are going to lose, would you put the same efforts to fight till the end.

To know one would lose, is a situation where most would give up, quit, blame, show fingers or even join the winning side (like our politicians :D).

These tough situations help us to identify bravery vs. bravado, who fights for the cause and not just a victory, who has got courageous and who is just a show off. These are situation which separates those who just fight for a win from those who fight for the cause/the team he/she believes and supports for.

Karna one of the central characters of epic Mahabharata who fought a losing battle and died at the battlefield all just for the love of friendship is a apt example for us to look up.

I salute such true bravery.

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