Saturday, February 27, 2010

Slavery today

No... I am not going to talk about slavery in sudan; niger; ghana or about child labour; or child sex etc., in what is called as 3rd world countries.

But this post is going to be a question. A question which I ask myself and now which I am going to open up for everybody.
"Are we in some sort of corporate; family; societal slavery?"
Again, by this I do not mean cuffed hands; minimal wages; domestic labour; domestic violance etc., These are things which are talked about everywhere.

What I am talking about is mental slavery. Where we do something not because we want to do but because we are asked to do. Simple example, "Do this, Do that". I believe most of us today are in this sort of a slavery.

Is this true? If yes, I think we should break those shackles. What say?


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