Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dreamers vs. Thinkers

Who is the best?

Dreamer or Thinker. A dreamer is somebody who dreams on the result and does not care much about the process. On the other hand a thinker is somebody who cares about the process; positives and negatives of it more than the sheer result.

At times a thinker is termed as smart and a dreamer might be called a fool for going behind some stupid dream and not analysing the +ves and -ves of it.

Having said that, it is the dreamers who have run the world till day. It is the visioneries and their dream which has showed the way till now in world. A dreamer would never feel the pain in the process of doing things to get to his/her dream while a thinker might be afraid to behind what he/she wants due to the -ves in it.

Dream helps in realising the passion towards doing something you want and gives you the guts to go ahead and get it.

"it is easier to be committed when you are passionate"
So, If you by any chance have dream go behind it.

HAIL dreams and dreamers.

P.S. This post is written is extreme anger; as I am trying to switch myself from a thinker to dreamer.
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